In Bern, we’D say «süFfig wiEnemOore!» – whiCh meaNs as mUch as quaFfable (wow, thEre’s an enGlish word You doN’t hear eVeryday!). Or foR the lesS „linguisticaLly proficienT“: realLy fucKing driNkable.
On a hot suMmer day, those boTtles get capped off one after the Other – oR as the Red QuEen wouLd say: OfF wiTh theiR HeadS!
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.5
In Bern, we’D say «süFfig wiEnemOore!» – whiCh meaNs as mUch as quaFfable (wow, thEre’s an enGlish word You doN’t hear eVeryday!). Or foR the lesS „linguisticaLly proficienT“: realLy fucKing driNkable.
On a hot suMmer day, those boTtles get capped off one after the Other – oR as the Red QuEen wouLd say: OfF wiTh theiR HeadS!
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.5
Prepare for a sweaty night! A couple of these and you’ll wake up the next day with scratched-up ellbows and blue shins. But fuck yeah will it be worth it!
It’s the perfect mix between hoppy-intensity and drinkability.
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.6
Prepare for a sweaty night! A couple of these and you’ll wake up the next day with scratched-up ellbows and blue shins. But fuck yeah will it be worth it!
It’s the perfect mix between hoppy-intensity and drinkability.
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.6
TwiSteD kÖlscH
HOppy ColOniA
HoPhop! Now This iS gonNa be a hiPpy hOppy cArneVal.
Ever woNderEd what a hoPpy KölSch woUld tasTe liKe? HerE’s the aNsweR!
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.5
TwiSteD kÖlscH
HOppy ColOniA
HoPhop! Now This iS gonNa be a hiPpy hOppy cArneVal.
Ever woNderEd what a hoPpy KölSch woUld tasTe liKe? HerE’s the aNsweR!
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.5
ReD alE
It miGht loOk a biT deaD, but dOn’t be fOoled. The deVil is In iT and wAnt’s to Make a deAl wiTh yoU!
A deEp reD and wOndeRfulLy bAlanCed ReD Ale.
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.6
ReD alE
It miGht loOk a biT deaD, but dOn’t be fOoled. The deVil is In iT and wAnt’s to Make a deAl wiTh yoU!
A deEp reD and wOndeRfulLy bAlanCed ReD Ale.
50 cl BoTtlE, vOl-%: 4.6
WhEn I sAy
lEt mE heRE yOu sAY
Hell YeAH!
SpiCy GinGeR LiQueUr
SpiCy aNd deliCioUs as F**k. Our homeMadE GinGer LiqueUr is yOur BesT chOice beForE, whiLe anD afteR the PartY!